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unattended Smart container hotel chongqing expressway service area

Date: 2018-09-21

Mobile payment, brush id card to open the door...Today, chongqing rong highway dragon service area of intelligent container hotel officially opened their doors.It is reported, this also is domestic expressway service area the first intelligent container hotel."This container is a smart hotel, mainly for staff and driving the rest."Chongqing highway group assets company deputy general manager Ming is strong, after 15 days to build, wai dragon service area the first intelligent container hotel officially opened ten rooms.

Container hotel unattended, the reporter through selected room is paid after the operation, with id card to open the door into a room, about 9 square meters room, have a simple and sweet.Indoor except no toilet, bed, shower facilities and other convenient hotel."The container hotel is very intelligent, besides can phone booking fee, the desk lamp in the room and TV switch can be controlled by voice."Ming told reporters.

Learned, according to the passenger to have a short rest in the service area of time measurement, set in the expressway service area of intelligent container hotel room for 2 hours minimum rate of 68 yuan (2 hours), the room has a standard room and single room.In after the success of the pilot, will adjust measures to local conditions, is expected to chongqing expressway service area on the smart container more hotels.